Frequently asked questions cover a variety of legal topics, including legal advice, court procedures, and client rights, making it easy for clients to understand.

من الأسئلة الشائعة التي يتم طرحها في مجال تسجيل المنشئات التجارية في المملكة العربية السعودية نجد هناك السؤال المتعلق بنوع المنشئة حيث أن هذه الأخيرة هي أنواع متعددة، عموما و في سبيل أن تتعرف على نوع المنشأة التجارية التي ترغب في تفعيلها يجب عليك أولا أن تقوم بالتوجه إلى السجل التجاري الخاص بها و ذلك من خلال الدخول إلى الموقع الخاص بالوزارة و البحث عن المعلومات الخاصة بها ، ثم خلال التصنيفات المتواجدة في الموقع كل ما عليك القيام به هو البحث عن زر خدمة حساب المنشات ، فور الضغط عليها سوف تظهر كل المعلومات التي تتعلق بالمنشأة الخاصة بك و التي من بينها نوع المنشأة ، هذا الأخير يتم تحديده وفق نوع النشاط التجاري الذي يتم ممارسته في داخلها ، مع الإشارة إلى أنه لا يمكن بأي شكل من الأشكال تقديم طلب لتسجيل منشئة في المملكة العربية السعودية دون توضيح لنوعية هذه المنشأة التجارية.
The register of companies is subject to expiration for various reasons that the legislator referred to in detail in a number of chapters. This has prompted many people to wonder about the company and its affiliated facilities and whether it remains in effect or is disabled. The answer to this question is that the public account is not Disable it except in one case only, which is the case in which the commercial register of the facility is written off. In other cases, you only need to re-activate the commercial register, either personally or through the website prepared by the Ministry in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. All you have to do is log into the account assigned to your company and then provide all the information that is required of you in order to reactivate it. As soon as this happens, the commercial company will return to work normally as it was before, noting that reactivation is a normal procedure and a lot of work is done by it. of legislation.
Many people from the owners of the facilities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia want to cancel the account of the facilities they own after they are in effect. This also requires taking a set of very important steps that the Saudi legislator explicitly referred to. First, you will have to go to a service Cancellation of a facility account through the website designated for that through the Najez website. Through your account, the facility will appear to you in effect and on the same page you can cancel it and it will not be activated immediately. This is on the one hand and on the other hand in The case in which the facility is activated under the name of another person and not in your personal name. In this case, all you have to do is complete the procedures for requesting the cancellation of the facility normally by filling it with the necessary data requested from you during the cancellation process, and the dedicated team will study your request and work to respond to you with acceptance or rejection.
إن إنشاء حساب المنشأة سوف يفيدك بشكل كبير للغاية حيث من خلاله يكون بإمكانك القيام بمجموعة من الأمور بشكل إلكتروني وفوري ، ومن أبرز الخدمات التي ثم توفيرها على الموقع نجد هناك الاستعلام عن كافة القضايا وأيضا طلبات التنفيذ التي قمت بتسجيلها تحت اسم منشأتك  و ذلك في محاكم وزارة العدل في المملكة العربية السعودية ، أيضا من الخدمات الأخرى التي بإمكانك أن تستفيد منها نجد هناك القيام بالاستعلام حول المنشئات التي ثم إصدارها تحت اسمك أو اسم منشأتك و التعرف على كل المعلومات حولها من بيانات و أيضا القيام بتعديلها عند الضرورية ، أيضا يكون من الممكن أن تقوم بعمل استعلام عن العقارات التي قمت بتسجيلها باسمك و إرسال طلبات إلغاء المنشئات أو إعادة تفعيلها على حسب رغبتك ، عموما تعد هذه الخدمة ضرورية للغاية و سوف تساعدك بشكل كبير في إدارة منشئاتك دون عناء و ببساطة تامة بمجرد ضغطة زر و الأبرز أن أغلب الخدمات مجانية وسهلة الاستخدام.
One of the frequently asked questions among people who own facilities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, we find there is the famous question about what is the time taken to review and approve the account activation request according to Saudi law, and the answer to this matter is that despite the lengthy steps that we referred to in The previous paragraphs indicate that reviewing and approving the application to activate the facility account in the Kingdom does not take much time and has already been determined in two working days as a maximum, depending on the state of the facility and the type of application submitted, but generally such type of procedures are characterized by speed of implementation And for all its importance and sensitivity based on the activity of commercial companies, and therefore in the event that you send a request for reactivating the facility or other similar requests, you will receive an answer, either acceptance or rejection, within two days at most from the date of your sending the request, taking into account the holidays, of course.
Establishments are established by the official owner or a representative is appointed to manage all the work related to them. This creates a set of legal questions for people who are trying to know the correct and proper answer to them, and among these questions and the most important ones that we find there are He has the right to activate the account of the facility, and the answer is that the legal representative who has been appointed is responsible for the activation of the account, the latter must be mentioned in the official documents of the facility, and the agent has the right by the force of law to amend and send requests and any other step for it A relationship with the facility by the force of law, noting that this power of attorney must be legal, not just verbal, on the one hand, but on the other hand, the legal representative of the commercial establishment or agent is also entitled to benefit from all the electronic services that we referred to previously by answering the past questions .
One of the most prominent questions that are frequently asked about commercial establishments in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the issue of the validity date related to the regular representative in the establishment, and whether there is any possibility through which it can be canceled by this system, and the answer to this question is In the following form, first, the term of the active account owned by the legal representative in the facility is valid for a full year from the date of activation, this is on the one hand, but on the other hand, and with regard to the question regarding the duration of the active account of the facility agent, this matter This varies according to the period during which the validity of the agency is determined, the latter of which the parties have the right to control, i.e., in a clearer statement, at the time of its effectiveness in a personal capacity, and therefore there is no specific period in which the work is generally valid, but that depends on the duration of the validity of this agency.
One of the most common questions that are also asked regarding the control of the facility, specifically whether the legal representative in the case in which he is not a Saudi or a holder of non-Saudi nationality has the right to control the powers that have to do with the facility, and if it is legal to act In it or modify it according to what it deems necessary for its work, the answer to this question is in the affirmative, of course, that is, since he is the legal representative of the establishment, then he has every right to carry out the powers of the establishment and this includes even representation before the judiciary in the event that it encounters a problem, and It does not matter at all whether he is a Saudi national or otherwise. Rather, what matters is that this agency presented to him is valid and valid, and that he has every right to represent the establishment and perform all the work related to it, including the use of all the services available within it. .
فيما يخص المنشئات في المملكة العربية السعودية نجد هناك أكثر الأسئلة طرحت تلك التي تنصب على الناحية الإدارية فيها، و من أكثر هذه الأسئلة طرحا من قبل المهتمين نجد هناك ما إن كان لدى مدير الشركة الغير سعودي الجنسية الحق في حساب المنشأة أي أن يستخدم كل الخدمات المتواجدة فيها شريطة أن يكون مقيدا في السجل الخاص بالشركة كمدير ،والإجابة عن هذا السؤال أيضا واضحة جدا فبما أنه من الناحية القانونية مقيد في السجل التجاري لهذه الشركة فإن له كامل الأحقية بالقيام بكل الأعمال المرتبطة بها سواء كان شخصا ذو جنسية سعودية أو حاملا لها بل حتى من أي جنسية أخرى ، الأهم هو أن يكون له بقوة القانون الحق في إدارتها وهذا الحق الأخير يمنح بشكل تلقائي القيام بكل الأعمال الإدارية المرتبطة بالمنشأة، وهذا الأمر يشمل أيضا أن يقوم بتفعيل المنشأة أو إلغاءها و ذلك على حسب ما تستدعيه الضرورة و القيام بأي عمل ما دام له ارتباط بالمنشأة.
دائما مع موضوع المنشئات في المملكة العربية السعودية و بالخصوص الصلاحيات المخولة للمدير سواء إن كان مديرا سعوديا أو كانت له جنسية من الجنسيات الأخرى ، وهذه المرة يتعلق الأمر بالسؤال الشهير حول ما إن كان بالإمكان بأي شكل من الأشكال القيام بوضع مجموعة من القيود على الصلاحيات التي يملكها ممثل المنشئة أو الشركة أو الممثل النظامي الذي يمثلها وذلك كما هو الحال بالنسبة للأمر في عقود التأسيس في السعودية، وإجابة عن هذا السؤال فإن الحسابات الخاصة بالمنشئات في المملكة العربية السعودية حاليا لا تقبل القيام بمثل هذه النوعية من الإجراءات و بعبارة أوضح إن الحسابات الخاصة بالمنشئات في المملكة هي عبارة عن حسابات  تقدم مجموعة من الخدمات الاستعلامية فقط ولا يمكن لأي أحد أن يقوم بعمل أي إجراء من خلالها ، لكن هذا الأمر يقتصر فقط على الفترة الحالية و ربما قد تتعرض هذه الأخيرة إلى التطويرات اللازمة في المستقبل و بالتالي سيكون من الممكن القيام بهذه الإجراءات عبرها.
There are many questions that lawyers ask, especially those related to licenses, and among the most prominent of these questions we find a common topic, which is the issue of pleading in the event that your license is expired or in the process of renewal, and an answer to this question and according to the law in In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, any license and card are considered completely and automatically canceled when their validity expires or when they are subject to cross-out from the designated roll, or they remain in a suspended position, especially in the case of transferring the name to the roll of lawyers who are not practicing the legal profession, and this is of course The case is provided that they do not expire, to put it more clearly, and in the case that was then put forward, the license will remain in detention until its renewal, and therefore it will return in force and the lawyer will have the right to use it to plead in the courts normally. Otherwise, it will remain suspended until the renewal is done .
Practicing the legal profession is not an easy thing, and it was not that one day, and for this reason, many updates were made by the Saudi legislator in order to advance this profession and also for the development of lawyers’ skills, and among the very effective programs in this field we find there The decision issued recently, which relates to the hundred trial hours that were then allocated to trained lawyers in order to be able to obtain a lawyer’s license, and among the questions that are asked in this regard, we find there is this decision issued in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia comprehensive, that is, for all lawyers, and the answer to it is The hundred-hour training project will come inclusive of all those registered in the trainee’s register in the legal system after its entry into force. Therefore, as a trained lawyer, you will be concerned with this system in order to obtain a license for practicing the legal profession as a trained lawyer, and therefore you will have the right to plead .
In the event that you are a lawyer in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and have played matches in order to obtain a lawyer’s license, perhaps you are now asking about the correct way to be able to obtain it, as we find that one of the most frequently asked questions in this regard is how to obtain a lawyer’s trainee certificate after The application is accepted and the license is issued. The matter is very simple. You only have to go to the Najiz portal, through which you can view the training certificate and also print it by clicking on the legal licenses icon on the site. In the case In which you encounter a technical problem, all you have to do is call the unified number designated for this purpose, which you will also find on the site, and there is another way, which is also through the Najez portal, where you can create a request that includes an inquiry and a complaint explaining the problem you encountered When requesting a certificate.
بعد كافة التطويرات التي لحقت بنظام المحامين في المملكة العربية السعودية حيث أصبحت ممارسة مهنة المحاماة مقرونة بالكثير من الشروط ، وهذا الأمر جاء للنهوض بهذه المهنة وجعلها أكثر تطورا وحرفية ، و نجد هناك الكثير من التساؤلات بسبب المشاكل التي يصادفها بعض المحامين و من بين أشهرها موضوع عدم إدراج الأسماء و بالتالي نجد هناك السؤال حول ما هو الإجراء الصحيح الواجب اتخاذه في الحالة التي لا يدرج فيها اسم بعض المحامين في الخدمة الخاصة بالاستعلام وذلك من خلال بوابة الوزارة ، في حال ما إن كنت من المحامين المعتمدين وتعرضت لهذا النوع من المشاكل فكل ما عليك القيام به هو أن تتوجه إلى الموقع المخصص وهو موقع ناجز ،من خلاله قم بالتوجه إلى المكان المخصص للتطورات وقم بالضغط عليه ثم إنشاء طلب شكوى أو استفسار وطرح المشكلة هذه ، و سوف تتلقى حلا بعد أن يتم المتخصصين بالموقع من الاطلاع على مشكلتك وسوف يتم إخبارك بكل الإجراءات الواجب عليك أن تتخذها.
The Ministry of Justice in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia puts forward a set of different licenses for specific purposes, and among the questions or inquiries that people are asked in this regard, we find the question about what is the license for the legal representative that it issues, and if you also do not If you are aware of the type or purpose of this license and want to know what it is, then we will tell you about it. Simply, the statutory representative license is a license issued by the Ministry of Justice in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It includes the full name of the legal representative, his identity, the date of validity and the name of the legal person in addition to the date of the license.
The task of the lawyer is a profession that many people aspire to practice, and this matter is also found widely in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, especially the young people, most of whom aspire to plead before the courts to defend people’s rights. The student must follow it in order to eventually specialize in the course of law or rights, and if you are also interested in this matter, or if you are a young man or woman who aspires to study law, in order to be able to do this, you must obtain a bachelor’s degree, whether in the field of Islamic law or in The field of law, that is, law or the field of regulations, and it should be noted that any other specializations are not accepted at all and cannot lead you to study law, regardless of the type of bachelor’s degree that you hold, so make sure to register in these specializations that we referred to so that you can become a lawyer in the future .
The license to practice the legal profession is considered like any other license in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, meaning that it has a start date and an end date or what is known as the validity date, where after the passage of this date it is no longer valid but is It is necessary to renew, so that the lawyer can continue to practice his profession in the required manner, in a correct and legal manner. Therefore, we find that among the most questions that people ask about licenses to practice the legal profession is what is the period specified by the Saudi legislator, during which you must apply for the renewal of the lawyer’s license This question has already been answered clearly and explicitly in Saudi law, and then specifying this period as follows, that the lawyer whose lawyer’s license has expired must submit an application to renew this license before the expiry of at least three months From the date of its expiry written in it, so that his practice of the profession is not affected and he does not stop waiting for the issuance of the new license.
Among the most popular questions that are asked about the legal profession, we find that there are what are the conditions for obtaining its license. The answer to this question requires a reference to a set of conditions, which are as follows, first that it concerns a Saudi national, with reference to the permissibility of a non-Saudi practicing law as well, that The person may already obtain a Sharia college certificate or a bachelor’s degree in systems specialization from one of the universities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, or the equivalent of this certificate outside the Kingdom. The Diploma in Systems Studies issued by the Institute of Public Administration is also accepted. He has experience in the legal field, which is no less than two years at least, even if you hold a master’s degree for one year, and the person must be of good conduct and conduct, not have served a prison sentence or been convicted of one of the crimes, but finally he must be residing in the Kingdom.
Always with the issue of the legal profession and its practice in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and within the framework of licenses and what is related to it, we also find a question frequently asked by those interested in practicing the legal profession in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia about what is the diploma that a person can apply for in order to To obtain a lawyer’s license to practice the legal profession in the Kingdom and plead like any other lawyer before the courts. The answer to this question has already been determined by Saudi law, and the latter has stated that any certificate, regardless of its type, is not accepted as an academic qualification for enrollment in the lawyers’ roll. In the Kingdom, except for the higher diploma in systems management obtained from the Institute of Public Administration only, and also the bachelor’s degree in the field of law and Sharia from universities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. for law firm.
Among the professions that have a very close connection with the legal profession, we find there is the profession of documentation, the latter also needs many conditions in order for a person to be able to practice it in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia legally, and in the absence of any of its conditions, it is considered null and cannot be Applying for its practice Just as it, like the legal profession, needs a set of licenses in order for your practice of the profession of documentation to be legally correct and so that you do not face any problems later. A notarized license required a letter from the ministry to the health center. The answer is yes. One of the basic conditions is to attach a medical report from a government hospital. This is one of the basic conditions that cannot be missed, noting that the matter is very easy and it is not financially costly.
دائما مع مهنة التوثيق والتي أيضا يشوبها الكثير من الاستفسارات على الخصوص من طرف الراغبين في ممارستها و الطلبة الذين يدرسون الشريعة و القانون في المملكة العربية السعودية وهذا يرتكز بالتحديد على الجانب المادي حيث وكما هو معروف فإن ممارسة مهنة التوثيق سواء في المملكة أو في أغلب مناطق العالم تبقى أقل تكلفة من الناحية المادية على الخصوص مصاريف التقدم وغيرها، عموما و من بين أبرز الأسئلة التي يتفضل الناس بطرحها حول الموضوع نجد هنالك مسألة الرسوم و على الخصوص في شق التراخيص و بعبارة أوضح ما إن كان هناك مجموعة من الرسوم على التراخيص التي يتم إصدارها إلى الموثقين في المملكة العربية السعودية و هل هذه الرسوم سنوية أي ستقوم بدفعها كل سنة أم فقط على الموثق دفعها لمرة واحدة فقط في مساره المهني، وإجابة على هذا السؤال فقد أشار المشرع السعودي صراحة إلى وجود مجموعة من الرسوم السنوية والتي يكون على الموثق دفعها كل سنة عند استخراج الرخصة.
One of the things that the legal profession is witnessing in a very large way is the transition between lawyers for specific purposes that differ from one person to another, for example, obtaining a more professional lawyer or other other reasons, and in many of the world’s legislation, laws require a set of basic matters and conditions, and that So that a person can change his case lawyer, but the question always arises, does Saudi law also stipulate some conditions in order for a person to change his lawyer, as many people refer to some things that must be met, among which is that a certain period must pass in order to be able to Moving from one lawyer to another lawyer, the answer to this question is no, as it has been indicated in the law of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in its commercial apartment that there is no specific period required for you to be able to change a lawyer or to move from one to another, but you can move at any time .
من الأمور التي بإمكان المحامي القيام بها وفقا للقانون السعودي وأغلب التشريعات العالمية نجد هناك التقدم لأجل ممارسة مهنة التوثيق، هذه الأخيرة التي يحب الكثير من المحامين ولوجها والتي اشترط المشرع السعودي توافر مجموعة من الشروط لأجل ممارستها سواء من ناحية المؤهلات العلمية لدى المحامي و أيضا من الناحية المادية ،هذا الأمر لم يكن دائما سهل الاستيعاب بل نجد هناك الكثير من الأسئلة التي يقوم المحامين المتدربين الراغبين في ولوج مهنة التوثيق بطرحها حيث لازالت لهم الكثير من الاستفسارات وهذا أمر عادي للغاية ، و نحن سوف نعمل على توضيح كل الأمور بشكل سلس للغاية ،عموما و بشكل أدق نجد أن من أكثر الأسئلة التي يطرحها المحامين هو سؤال ما إن كان المحامي المتدرب مؤهلا لأجل التقدم لممارسة مهنة التوثيق أو أن الأمر غير ممكن أساسا و لا يمكن له التقدم ،و إن كنت أيضا محامي تطرح نفس السؤال فنحن نجيبك أن لك كل الحق كمحامي متدرب لأجل الدفع لولوج مهنة التوثيق.
As it is known that the legal profession is an honorable profession, as your first task as a lawyer is to defend and preserve the rights of people and also to maintain them, and this intuitively makes you a person of values, and therefore your biography, principles and morals should be as a person with principles and a citizen and A good person, and among the things that afflict the legal profession in all countries of the world are some behaviors that violate public morals, such as bribery, embezzlement and other crimes. A question about whether the lawyer’s name is expelled from the roll in the case in which he is accused of a crime against honor or trust, or both - the answer to this question is clear, and it is yes. .
إن التطور التكنولوجي الذي لحق العالم قد جاء شاملا أي يشمل كل الخدمات بغض النظر عن نوعها أو مضمونها ، و لذا نجد أن أكثر الشركات أصبحت في سبيل تقليل الضغط عليها تعرض خدماتها على شبكة الانترنت حيث تسهل على نفسها العمل و أيضا على المواطن الذي لا يكون مضطرا إلى الانتقال مرارا و تكرارا إلى المكان لأجل طلب المعلومات أو التغيير من معطياته و طلب إحدى الخدمات ، و في المجال القانوني أيضا نجد هذا الأمر أيضا لكن الأمر مختلف و ذلك بسبب طبيعة الأعمال القانونية مما دفع الكثير من الناس إلى التساؤل عن ما إن كان الأمر أيضا يشمل الخدمات القانونية في المملكة العربية السعودية أم لا ، و من بين الأسئلة التي يتم طرحها في هذا الشأن نجد هناك هل بإمكان المواطن التقديم على إحدى الخدمات و ذلك من خلال الحضور بصفة شخصية إلى الإدارة العامة للمحاماة بالمملكة ، الإجابة عن هذا السؤال هي بالنفي بطبيعة الحال ، بعبارة أكثر وضوحا و دقة لا يتم بتاتا و بأي شكل من الأشكال استقبال الطلبات  ما عدا من خلال بوابة موقع ناجز و التي من خلالها بإمكانك كمواطن مهتم إجراء مختلف الخدمات القانونية التي تهمك ، مع بعض الاستثناءات الضرورية بطبيعة الحال لكنها قليلة للغاية .
A percentage not exceeding 5% of the claim value and a maximum of one million riyals.
Amounts of money that the taxpayer is obligated to pay to the competent department, in accordance with the provisions of the Law and Regulations.

Judicial costs are calculated based on the new value estimate

Yes, and the percentage of costs for cases that are written off or rejected in the event of a desire to reconsider them is estimated at 25% of the costs of hearing the case the first time, and the plaintiff bears the additional costs for reviewing them, even if a ruling is in his favour.

The person who is obligated to pay the costs may object to this determination within fifteen days from the date of his notification.

Failure to pay the costs does not affect the registration of the request and the decision of the case in all courts of first instance. As for the appeals for cassation and the petition for reconsideration, a period of thirty days is given to pay the costs, otherwise his right to the request shall be forfeited, and the judgment shall be final.

In the event of an objection to the value of the cost, the person on whom the costs are obligated may object within fifteen days from the date of his notification, bearing in mind that the document for paying the judicial costs is considered an executive document to be fulfilled in accordance with what will be specified in the regulation.

It shall be borne by all the losing parties in the case. As for the mechanism of dividing the percentage between them, it will be clarified when the regulation of the judicial costs system is issued.

The parties to the lawsuit shall bear the legal costs equally, unless otherwise agreed.

In the event that the case ends with a ruling without collecting the costs, the final estimate issued by the competent department shall be considered an executive document, and shall be fulfilled in accordance with what is specified by the regulation. The collected judicial costs amounts shall be deposited in the current account of the Ministry of Finance with the Central Bank of Saudi Arabia.

No, the regulator excluded the cases and requests that are specialized in the personal status courts, with the exception of the cassation request and the request for reconsideration

The duration of the litigation does not affect the judicial costs, the costs depend on the judgment and requests.

Management of judicial costs, by determining the value of the lawsuit or requests in accordance with the provisions of the law or regulation, and informing the plaintiff or the applicant when registering the lawsuit or request.

  1. If a judgment of lack of jurisdiction, no new costs are due to file the case before the competent court unless the subject matter of the case is changed.
  2. If the competent court decides to set aside the judgment and return the case to the court that issued the contested judgment to the court or to any other court.

No, except for a request for reconsideration.

The beneficiary will be notified that there is a cost to the case when applying for the claim statement, and the payment invoice will be issued after the final judgment is acquired. For requests on the case, an invoice will be issued immediately upon submitting the application, bearing in mind that the payment can be postponed until the final judgment is acquired. As for the payment method, it will be through the payment system .

1. Reducing malicious and fictitious lawsuits.
2. Promote alternative means of dispute settlement.
3. Enabling preventive justice and notarial contracts.
4. Contribute to raising the efficiency of the justice system.

1. Commercial lawsuits.
2. Labor lawsuits (companies).
3. Criminal cases (private right).
4. Legal cases.
5. Execution requests and executive disputes.

On Thursday, 14/8/1443 AH.

The convict shall bear the value of the judicial costs prescribed for the lawsuit and related requests, or a part thereof, unless the law or regulation stipulates otherwise, without prejudice to the right of the concerned parties to claim compensation. In the event that the plaintiff is not right in part of his requests, he shall bear the premium for that part.

1. General penal and disciplinary cases and requests related thereto.
2. Personal status issues and requests related to them, except for the cassation request and the request for reconsideration.
3. Terminations and related requests.
4. Cases and requests that fall within the jurisdiction of the Board of Grievances.
5. Cases and requests arising from the application of the provisions of the bankruptcy system.
6. The lawsuits and requests related to the lawsuits for the division of estates, except for the request for cassation and the request for reconsideration.

1. Applications for appeal, cassation, and petition for reconsideration of all judicial classifications.
2. Incidental requests.
3. Entry requests from opponents.
4. Response requests.
5. One of the litigants requested to proceed with the lawsuit suspended by agreement before the expiry of the period agreed upon to stop the litigation.
6. Requesting correction or interpretation of the judgment.
7. Request an alternative copy of judicial documents.
8. The interested party request to hand him a certified copy of the lawsuit papers or records - paper or electronic - or the documents or papers under the court's hand.
9. The interested party requested to view the lawsuit papers or records - paper or electronic.
10. Other requests specified by the regulation.

Judicial costs shall be refunded when it becomes clear that they are not obligatory for the payer or he has benefited from one of the cases of exemption, including:
1. If a judgment is passed in favor of the payer of judicial costs.
2. The judge or judges' response was requested, and the response request was accepted.
3. Request to correct the judgment and its interpretation if it is decided to answer the request.
4. The appeal request, if the appealed judgment is completely reversed, then it is exempted from the value of the request, if the judgment is partially reversed, it shall be exempted in proportion to that part, and the request for cassation if it is decided to return the case to the court issuing the judgment objected to.
5. If the plaintiff leaves his case before holding the first session in accordance with the regular procedures.
6. Cases that end in conciliation before adjourning the first session

  1. Imprisoned and detained persons at the time of due judicial costs in non-criminal financial cases in lawsuits filed, whether from them or against them.
  2. Workers covered by the labor system, excluded from it, and those who are entitled on their behalf to claim their entitlements arising from work contracts.
  3. Ministries and government agencies.

Collection of fees after the final judgment is acquired.
The duration of the litigation does not affect the judicial costs, the costs depend on the judgment and requests.

If a judgment of lack of jurisdiction, no new costs are due to file the case before the competent court unless the subject matter of the case is changed.

Among the very serious legal problems that are also common in different parts of the world, we find there is the issue of issuing checks without balance, and this matter is also found among the legal problems witnessed by transactions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which causes people to ask a series of questions and inquiries about the subject, as they desire In knowing the procedures to be followed in the case in which they are exposed to a check without a balance, and among the questions that are asked in this regard, we find a question about whether an objection paper was taken by the bank, which turns out later to indicate that a certain check is without balance. And what are the procedures that a person should follow in this case, the answer to this question is that this check is stamped by the Saudi police, and after this procedure, the citizen has the right to request execution, whether in the place where the check was then issued or in the domicile of the port against him.
إن مجال العقار هو مجال شاسع للغاية ويشمل الكثير من المعاملات ذات الطابع العقاري و التي تجمع غالبا صاحب العقار والمشتري أو غيرها من التصرفات القانونية التي تدخل في هذا الإطار، وهناك مجموعة من التصرفات القانونية في إطار العقار والتي ألزم المشرع السعودي المعني بالأمر بالحضور فيها بصفة شخصية و لا يقبل فيها بأي شكل من الأشكال التوكيل أو غيرها من التصرفات على شاكلته ، مثل هذه الأمور تدفع المواطن للتساؤل ومن بين أهم الأسئلة التي تطرح بشكل كبير جدا في الحالة التي يصدر فيها قرار بإخلاء عقار معين من طرف المستأجر و هل من الضروري الحضور عند عملية الإخلاء من قبل اللجنة المعنية بالأمر أم بإمكان المستأجر التخلف عن عملية الإخلاء ، الإجابة عن هذا السؤال أشار لها المشرع السعودي بشكل واضح و صريح في القانون حيث أشار إلى أن حضور المعني بالإخلاء عملية الإخلاء من طرف اللجنة واجب ولا يحق له أن يتخلف عنه أو يمتنع حضوره .
Article No. (46) of the execution system came inclusive, that is, it contains all the procedures that are necessary to follow with regard to the competent authorities and also in the aspect related to the work of the execution judge, but despite this matter, we find a set of problems that are still posed in a way It is very big on this subject, in particular in the matter of arresting the accused, what are the specialized authorities in the arrest and when it is executed, and also from the questions that we find very large in the case in which the chapters of the article are applied by the investigative judge, so does the professional body at that time have the right to throw The arrest of the person, or it is first necessary that a decision be issued stating his arrest and when it is issued as well. The answer is that at the time when the execution judge issues the order to imprison the person executed against him, then he must be arrested and imprisoned by the concerned authorities .
Among the common questions that are also asked in the field of implementation, we find there is a question in the case in which there are multiple requests for implementation, and that is for a number of courts and enforcement departments in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. There is only one court. The answer to this question makes it necessary to address a set of points. In the case where the spatial jurisdiction is held, it cannot in any way be taken out of it except by a judicial procedure, which means that it is not possible to give opportunities to the executor against him to choose the court that Unification is achieved in it, but the department that dealt with the first executive procedure can supervise the implementation stages and also the distribution of its proceeds. .
Always with the issue of implementation, which many Saudi citizens see as a great deal of complexity, so a number of questions are often asked about it, and among the most prominent questions they also ask, we find the issue of duration, which in particular relates to the duration of lifting the suspension of services, the latter of which It differs in the legislation of the world, but what concerns us is the period that it usually takes to lift the suspension of services in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and if you are also interested in this issue, the answer is as follows, if the enforcement department proves the waiver, conciliation or grace period, it is done directly Raise the procedures electronically by the concerned department, and this matter is related to the travel ban, the prohibition of power of attorney, the procedure in the feature, the executive imprisonment, the quarantine of accounts, the suspension of services, and a number of other matters. concerned.
As previously said, and in the legal aspect related to implementation in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, we find that there is an important set of procedures that must be taken and also measures in addition to the duration of these procedures, as some of them are considered void when a specific period has passed, and among the articles in which the period occupies an important place, we find There is what Article thirty-four of the law states in its executive part, as the issuance of this decision is subject to a certain period, so we find that one of the most frequently asked questions about the decision thirty-four is what is the duration of this decision, even if you are also a Saudi citizen who previously And if they asked the same question or were only interested in knowing an answer to it, the answer is as follows, if two working days have passed since the time of referral of the request and the decision was not issued thirty-four, in this case it is possible to submit a request for action by issuing it, this matter is of course through the Najiz website .
Among the decisions that are also known controversy and shame in Saudi law and very large inquiries also we find there is Resolution No. (46), which in turn raises many common questions about it. We find there how long does it take for its issuance, and if you are interested in knowing the answer, it is in the following form, When it comes to decision number forty-six and it is issued and will not be notified within a maximum period of twenty days, in this case a payment letter is sent in the form of an announcement to the requester for implementation, and after he pays three days, the announcement is published, specifically Five days after the publication of this announcement, Resolution No. forty-six shall be applied. In the case of a delay in one of the procedures mentioned by two days, in this case, the applicant has the right to request the announcement by the newspapers, noting that the matter takes eight days after Pay the value of the advertisement.