Legal Solutions for Today's World

Legal solutions for today's world

Sahl Law Firm was established based on global standards regarding the performance of its work. It belongs to a legal school of thought that prioritizes the benefit and success of businesses while providing legal services.

مكتب سهل للمحاماة والاستشارات القانونية مكتب محاماة سعودي يُعتبر من أفضل مكاتب المحاماة في الرياض ويعد احد الشركات الرائدة المتخصصة في تقديم الخدمات القانونية في المملكة العربية السعوديـة، حاصـلة على ترخيص من وزارة العدل والهيئة السعودية للمحامين، تأسس مكتب سهل للمحاماة والاستشارات القانونية بقواعد عالمية فيما يتعلق بأداء عملها، وتنتمي لمدرسة قانونية تضع الفائدة ونجـاح الاعمال في المقام الأول والاحترافية أثناء تقديم الخدمات القانونية.
مكتب سهل للمحاماة والاستشارات القانونية من اشهر مكاتب المحاماة في الرياض وكذلك يضم مكتب محاماة في جدة ومكتب محاماة في الخبر قائمين على تقديم خدمات قانونية عالية الجودة، من خلال كوادر متميزة من محامين قضايا تجارية ومحامين قضايا مالية ومصرفية ومحامين قضايا عقارية، كما يمكن الوصول إليهم من خلال أرقام محامين بالرياض.

يضع مكتب سهل للمحاماة والاستشارات القانونية تجربة عملائها في المرتبة الأولى من اهتمامها، من خلال الاعتماد على النظام الالكتروني لإدارة المشاريع، كـ التقارير الالكترونية الدورية والتمكن من متابعة الاجراءات بسهولة وسرعة وفق مبدأ الـ (PTE) Professionality, time and expenses ويُعتبر من شركات المحاماة في السعودية المشهورة ويتميز بجودة الخدمات القانونية المقدمة لشركاء الصناعة وفق المعايير العالمية في مجالات الصناعة والطاقة، النقل والخدمات اللوجستية، المالية والمصارف، العقارات والمقاولات، التجزئـة والمستهـلك، شركة محاماة الرياض التي تتخصص في تأسيس الشركات في السعودية، الاندماج والاستحواذ، الرعاية الصحية والتامين، الرياضة والفعاليات وغيرها من المجالات القانونية.

يسعى مكتب محاماة الرياض للانفتاح على المجتمع القانوني، ودراسة الخبرات الأجنبية، ونقل ما يناسب المجتمع العربي القانوني بشكل يسمح لها بالريادة في المجـال والتعاون والتكامل مع الجهات الحكومية وغير الحكومية شركات المحاماة في الرياض تسعى لتحقيق رؤية المملكة 2030 من أجل تقديم افضل الخدمات القانونية في السعودية والاستشارات المناسبة، بما يضمن تحقيق هذه الرؤية على الوجه الأمثل.

مكتب سهل للمحاماة والاستشارات القانونية، هو مكتب محاماة يعتبر أفضل محامي في الرياض، وهو جزء من شركات محاماة بالرياض التي تقدم خدماتها بمستوى عالي من الاحترافية والجودة، إن التزامنا بالجودة والاحترافية يجعلنا واحدا من أفضل مكاتب المحاماة، ونحن نضمن تقديم خدمات قانونية استثنائية لكل من عملائنا. نحن نضم مجموعة من مستشارين القانونيين المتميزين في محامي في السعودية و محامي السعودية

Our goal -

Providing the best legal service by putting business success in the first place

We provide distinguished legal services with our commitment to integrity and professionalism, with a team of distinguished experts to ensure customer satisfaction and achieve their legal goals with high efficiency.

Local experience according to international standards

Electronic project management

Automatic reports on time

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Sahal Law Office provides consulting services on corporate approvals in accordance with local and international laws and regulations, assisting companies in preparing and implementing procedures.

Our services

Get the best legal services under the supervision of a group of specialized lawyers who rely on the best local and international standards.

Sahal Law Firm offers a comprehensive range of legal services, including legal advice, legal representation in courts, contract preparation, dispute resolution and more.

Our fields

We offer a comprehensive range of legal services that cover all legal fields required by our valued clients

Sahal Law Firm specializes in multiple areas of law, including commercial law, company formation, labor rights and compensation, providing clients with comprehensive coverage.

Energy and Industry

Energy and Industry

Working in the field of industry and energy requires a deep understanding of legal changes to facilitate the completion of transactions and other related procedures, which makes you seriously looking for a law firm with extensive experience in this field, you are with us in the right place where the efficiency of our team in providing everything You need measures to help you grow, prosper and succeed in your business.

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Transportation and logistics

Transportation and logistics

We put in your hands the expertise of our team at the scientific and professional level to provide you with the best services and legal advice in various fields of transportation and logistics services in the Middle East. On the journey of development and success.

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Finance and Banking

Finance and Banking

We have legal strategies that effectively contribute to addressing various risks related to finance and banking, including commercial transactions, banking services, development and distribution of products, providing advice on markets and financial banks, and establishing and reviewing their contracts.

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Real estate and contracting

Real estate and contracting

We are committed to the success of our clients whose interests and businesses are related to the field of real estate and contracting, and we put our expertise in their hands to help them efficiently and improve the performance of their companies and increase and grow their investments by providing the best appropriate legal solutions, and we are with them step by step to support them in every procedure and ensure that they obtain all their rights away from various loopholes and obstacles Legal obstacles that hinder the success of their projects from its inception to building a distinguished position in the market.

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Retail and consumer

Retail and consumer

If you work in retail, whatever your field, it is likely that you will encounter some legal issues that require high expertise to get rid of your confusion, and guide you to the best solutions and practices that will preserve your rights and contribute to raising your sales rates. Whether you are a retailer, a FMCG manufacturer or a supplier, you come with our expertise and track record of achievement in many similar issues you face.

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Mergers and Acquisitions

Mergers and Acquisitions

Achieving investment goals depends on a deep understanding and full knowledge of the legal matters related to your business. If you choose the merger and acquisition strategy as one of the ideal options for expanding in the business world, we put in your hands our specialized expertise in this field, including the steps and stages that all contribute to the success of your deal and grow your business.

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Health care and insurance

Health care and insurance

Over the years, we have accumulated a wealth of experience and knowledge to provide services to major healthcare providers, government agencies, insurance providers, private equity firms specializing in healthcare investments, healthcare IT companies, developers for healthcare facilities, research institutes and medical equipment, drug manufacturers and distributors and medical practitioners.

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Sports and events

Sports and events

Sahel Law Firm offers a comprehensive range of legal services covering all legal areas of sports and events, including advisory support as well as negotiation and formulation of brand protection and exploitation strategies, venue naming rights, broadcasting agreements, as well as advising sports management bodies and government clients in relation to regulations and implementation of all integrity requirements

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Our most prominent clients at Sahl Law Firm include local companies and individuals from various sectors, as we are committed to providing distinguished legal services that meet their needs efficiently and professionally.

Financial proposal request

We are pleased to receive all your requests related to legal matters, and our specialized team will be keen to communicate with you as soon as possible.

  • Sahal Law Firm and Legal Consultancy
  • Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - Riyadh - Headquarters - Olaya Towers - Olaya Road - Floor No. (29) - Tower (B). P.O. Box (8022), Riyadh, Postal Code (12213)
  •  From Sunday to Thursday, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Jeddah: Saudi Business Center SBC - Floor (14) Office No. (3) Medina Road P.O. Box (54456) Jeddah Postal Code (55443). Al Khobar: Al-Khobar Gate Tower - Floor (21) - King Fahd Bin Abdulaziz Road, P.O. Box (32348), Al-Khobar, Postal Code (31952).


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